
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price Facing Federal Offenses

John Wiley Price,Dallas County Commissioner, has served the community, but Monday he was served with a search warrant that indicates he is facing serious federal offenses, like bribery and theft.

"I have no clue where they are going with this," Price said, from his attorney's office.

Price says he learned he was the focus of the federal probe when he arrived at his office at the Dallas County Administration Building, there FBI and agents with the IRS searched Price's office and personal items. Outside, they photographed two vehicles registered to the commissioner's political consultant, Kathy Nealy.

Court documents indicate FBI investigators are casting a wide net, searching for electronic devices, email and internet searches that includes data dating back to 2001.

"It is a good day in Dallas," said Dallas County Commissioner, Maurine Dickey, who has long been a nemesis of Price.

That feeling of celebration did not sit well with Dallas County Judge, Clay Jenkins.

"This is sad. We should not revel in this."

The FBI refused to comment on the investigation, but there are reports the investigation might stem, in part, from a South Dallas land development called the 'Inland Project."

Even though Price claims he was unaware of the investigation, a former colleague says he informed Price about the FBI inquiry about two years ago, during a deposition.

"I don't think that he was aware of it until that moment," Former Dallas Couny Judge, Jim Foster, said.

Foster says he met with the FBI several times regarding Price and while he will not elaborate on the context of the allegations he says they are serious and overdue.

"There are a lot of people celebrating because they lived under the intimidation of this individual."

Price isn't addressing the allegations, but says he will be vindicated and isn't worried.

"I have lawyers," Price said, leaving the county building.