The show opens with a circus themed group dance that Cat said brought tears to her eyes. It is so different and incredible.
The girls are called to the stage first. They are given montages of their dances from last night and then are told where they stand.
Sasha is Safe
Melanie is Safe
Jordan is in the Bottom Four
Caitlynn is in the Bottom Four
The guys are called to the stage next and we are given a recap of their performances.
Marko is Safe
Jess is in the Bottom Four
Ricky is Safe
Tadd is in the Bottom Four
LXD performs. Again, all this good dancing takes breath away. Some Dance Day videos which include little kids, Nappy Tabs, adults and Donny Osmond, who gets thousands dancing on the Las Vegas strip. This is wonderful, not only because it shows how fun dancing is, but it also encourages people particularly kids to get up and move.
Solos are next. Each dancer proves how hard it is going to be to see them go. Everyone is just so good. It cannot even predict who is staying or going this time. Lady Gaga performs. Not only is she immensely talented, but she also isn't afraid to be herself. She does her own thing and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her.
The judges come back from deliberation to announce who is going home. The girls are called to the stage first. Nigel talks to them about their performances and future. Sadly, it is the end of the line for Jordan. She is given a montage of her time on the show before she says goodbye.
The boys are called to the stage next. They get some words of wisdom from Nigel and then are told that Jess is going home. He is also given clips of his time on the show before his exit.