If you watched the premiere of "Bachelor Pad 2" Monday night and thought you somehow got sucked into a time warp to 2010 and were watching Jake Pavelka's season of "The Bachelor," you're not alone.
The three-hour extravaganza was basically the "Jake and Vienna Show."
The first 55 minutes can be boiled down to the 17 other contestants -- most notably Jake's ex Vienna -- lamenting his impending arrival at the house.
Until his grand entrance (ABC held him for last, of course), everyone mixed and mingled. One by one, each contestant walks into the house with a simple, "hello." All except for Erica, from Lorenzo's season, who announces, "The princess is here!" while wearing a tiara.
"I don't know who that is and I hope she's not here long," snips Blake from Ashley's season, who adds that Erica is "thick."
Later, he flirts with Holly, from Matt's season. "He uses really big words," she gushes after Blake drops "dysfunctional."
With one spot left in the house, everyone keeps looking to the entrance to catch Jake walk through the door.
And finally, he does -- but not after working host Chris Harrison and telling him that he's here looking for "closure" with Vienna, after he infamously screamed at her to stop interrupting him during their post-split interview last year.
Jake, who has the robotic, fake uber-positivity second only to the one possessed by Tom Cruise, goes as far as to admit he may still have feelings for his ex, who's on "Bachelor Pad 2" with her new boyfriend, former "Bachelor" contestant Kasey.
Once he enters the house, he makes a beeline for the group Kasey is in. "Hey, I know who you are, terrific!" he enthuses to his nemesis.
Moments after Kasey runs to Vienna, who's chatting by the pool, to warn her, there's Jake and his mega-watt smile. "You look nice and I met Kasey," he tells her as she stands there shaking from his mere presence (or maybe it was because it was just cold).
Either way, her shivering makes Jake do that thing ones does when there's tension: he babbles endlessly about the L.A. weather.
If that wasn't enough, Jake then takes Kasey aside to hash things out mano y mano.
"You guys really seem to make each other happy and that's really awesome," he says, as Kasey sits there stonefaced. "The last thing I want to do is get in the way of it. I'm all for it. I want you both to be happy."